CMU15-445 Buffer Pool Manager

Last updated on a year ago

Buffer Pool Manager

Relational Model

Database & DBMS & Data model

Database is a organized collection of inter-related data that modles the aspect of the real world, and the database management system(DBMS) is a software to management database. Therefore, database is a set of data, and DBMS can be thought of a interface to control the database.

Database is stored as comma-seperqted value(CSV) file that DBMS manages, every entity well be stored in its own file, and application has to prase the CSV file to read or write recoed. Each entity has its own set of attributes, so defferent record are delimited by new line, while each of corresponding attributes within a record are delimited by comma

From this perspective, database can be thought of as a collection of multiple files

Consider a database models a digital music store, the two basic entities aes artist and album, so we need two CSV file to store every record in entities

Data model is a collection of concept for describing the data in database. Relational model is one of the data model

Relational Model

Early database application were diffcult to build and maintain because there was a tight copluing between logical layers and physical layers, therefore the relational model was gradually proposed.

Relational model define database abstraction based on relations to avoid maintainance overhead.

It has three key points:

  • Store database in simple structure(relations)
  • Access data through high-level language, DBMS just figure out best execution strategy
  • Physical store(how to store data in physical layers) left up to DBMS implementation

Relation data model defines three concepts:

  • Structure: The definition of relations and their content., what attributes relations contain and what value attributes can hold
  • Integrity: Ensure the database's contents satisfy constrains(for example the value of attribute has to number or string)
  • Manipulation: How to access and modify the database's content


Relation & tuple

Relation is an unordered set that contain the relationship of attributes that represent entities. Therefore, relation simplely a unordered set, and it contain a series of attrbutes, all of which have corresponding value.

Tuple is a set of attributes values in relation, value can be atomic(i.e. number, string, bool), scalar, lists and other nested data structure.

A relations has two key, which is primary key which uniquely identifies a single tuple and foreign key which specifies an attribute from one relation has map to a tuple in another relation

  • Relation has a lot of pairs which contain key and tuple
  • tuple simplely a set of value, each of which corresponding to single attribute

Schema & Instance & Domain

Schema is a description of a particular collection of data based on data model.

Instance is a state which database stores the informance at a particular moment

If we abstract relation into a table, the attribute is the meaning of column, and the tuple is the value of attribute/element in the row

That's to say, in the relational model, data are represented in the form of table(relation also refers ot table). Each table have multi column, each column has a unique name(attribute refers to the name of colume). Each row of the table represents the value of each attribute(tuple refers to row). The permitted value of the attribute in table is domain(the domain of all attribute is atomic, namely, its element are considered to be indivisible units)

Schema and instance can be understood by analogy to programming language. The database scaema is corresponding to the variable declarations, and the value of the variable at a point in time corresponding to the database instance

Superkey & Candicate Key

We require that no two tuple in relation have exactly the same value for each attribute, Therefore we need a way to distinguish two tuple. We use the concept of superkey to solve it, superkey is a set of one or more attribute that can specify uniquely a tuple in relation

Formally, Let \(R\) denote the set of attributes in relation \(r\), if we say subset \(K\) of set \(R\) is a superkey, that is, \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) are both in \(R\) and \(t_1 \neq t_2\), then \(t_1.K \neq t_2.K\)

A superkey can contain extraneous attribute, so if a set is a superkey, then so is any superset for it

Formally, Let \(R\) denote the set of attributes in relation \(r\), if we say subset \(K\) of set \(R\) is a superkey, then any superset of set \(K\) also is superkey

If a superkey has no porper subset, such minimal superkey are called candidate key

We shall use the term primary key to denote candidate key, and to be clear, the meaning of these two concept are exactly the same

Referential integrity constrain & foreign-key constrain

Page: 46

The foreign-key constrain requires that attribute(s) of referencing relation must be the primary key of the referenced relation. the referential integrity constrain, on the other hand, simply requires that the value appearing in referencing relation must appears in referenced relation


The session, in database, refers to a connection established between a user and a database system for a special period of time. During the session, database system would keep track of session-special informance(e.g. identity, privilege), user can also perform multi operation. The session remains active until user log out, disconnect, or set timeout period is reached.

natural join & outer join

Suppose we have two relation called \(A\) and \(B\) respectively, and only attribute they shared. Natural join operation will list the collection of tuple that have the same value of this attribute in both realtions. The tuple which don't appear in the result relation have two main reason, one is corresponding attribute value are not same; the other is this tuple of this attribute in first relation don't appear in the second relation

Therefore, outer join is a workaround, which will list those tuple don't appear in second relation

Common Table Expression(CTE)

The common table expression(CTE) allows you to create a temporary* named result set that aviable temporarily to SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE clause

Recursive CTE

A recursive common table expression (CTE) is a CTE that references itself. By doing so, the CTE repeatedly executes, returns subsets of data, until it returns the complete result set.

The execution order of a recursive CTE is as follows:

  • First, execute the anchor member to form the base result set (R0), use this result for the next iteration.
  • Second, execute the recursive member with the input result set from the previous iteration (Ri-1) and return a sub-result set (Ri) until the termination condition is met.
  • Third, combine all result sets R0, R1, … Rn using UNION ALL operator to produce the final result set.

Database Storage

OS vs. Buffer Pool Manager

GPT answer

  • Problem #1: Transaction Safety

When using memory-mapped I/O, the operating system can flush dirty pages at any time, which can cause problems for transactional consistency. If a transaction modifies a page in memory and the OS flushes that page to disk before the transaction commits, the database can become inconsistent. To address this problem, the database system must use techniques such as write-ahead logging to ensure that all changes to the database are recorded before they are flushed to disk.

  • Problem #2: I/O Stalls

When using memory-mapped I/O, the database system doesn't know which pages are in memory and which are not. If a thread tries to access a page that is not in memory, the OS will stall the thread while it reads the page from disk. This can cause significant performance problems, especially if many threads are accessing the database concurrently.

  • Problem #3: Error Handling

When using memory-mapped I/O, it can be difficult to validate pages and handle errors. Any access to a page that is not in memory can cause a SIGBUS signal, which the database system must handle. This can be challenging, especially if the database system is running in a multi-threaded environment.

  • Problem #4: Performance Issues

When using memory-mapped I/O, the database system can experience performance issues due to OS data structure contention and TLB shootdowns. OS data structures such as the page table can become a bottleneck if many threads are accessing the database concurrently. Additionally, TLB shootdowns can occur when the OS needs to invalidate TLB entries for a page that has been modified, which can cause significant performance overhead.

To address these problems, some database systems use alternative I/O mechanisms such as direct I/O or asynchronous I/O. These mechanisms can provide better control over I/O operations and reduce the impact of OS-level issues on database performance and consistency.

File Storage

DBMS store database as one or more file in disk, and this file is seprated by several partition called block(page). Different DBMS manage page in file in different way:

  • Heap File Organization
  • Tree File Organization

Hardware page usually 4K, OS page usually 4K, and database page vary from 1K to 16K. The read and write operation in Hardware page is atomic

Heap File Organization

The heap file is an unordered collection of pages with tuple that store in random order. Therefore, in single file, we can easily find a specific page by adding the begin address and offset. On the other hand, in multiple file, we need meta-data to track which page store in which file and which file has free space


DBMS also maintain some special page called directory, which store the location of the page in which we store data in database file. Intuitively, the role of directory is similar to index


We must make sure that the content of directory is in sync with data page, both of which are simultaneously update

Page Layout

Every page include header which contain metadata:

  • Page size
  • CheckSum
  • Self-containment(This page contain all informance regarding to read and write this page)

In a database file, every page(block) are organized into certain structure, There are two commonly used ones: Slotted page and log structured


The header contain the number of slot and slot array

  • When insertint a tuple, the slot array grows from the front to the back and the data grow from the back to the front
  • When deleteint a tuple, the tuples before deleted tuple will be moved backword

With this structure, we can easily store variable-length tuple

The change process is shown the following figure below


If we add a new tuple into this page, the length of slotted array would grow from the front to the back, the length of data tuple would grow in the opposite direction


When we delete tuple 3, as the following figure shown, we should move the tuple at the right position of the deleted tuple to left


Log-Structured storage

Instead of storing the content of tuple in file, log-structured storage simply sotre the change informantion in file


When the page get full, we should immediately write out to disk


If we intend to read specific tuple, with a given tuple id, DBMS would fild the newest log record corresponding to that id. Also, we can maintain several index which map tuple id to newest record


Due to the log would gorw forever, DBMS needs to compact this log periodically


After that, DBMS needs to sort this log in page, which would mitigate retireve pressure


The downside of this approach are twofold. First, it would result in Write-Amplification, suppoes that I insert a tuple and never update it again, when we perform compaction, this tuple would REPEATEDLY read into memory and written to disk. Second, the cost of compaction is much too expensive

Tuple Layout

Every tuple contain a header, which include the metadata of this tuple

The bitmap stored in header used to represent whether certain attribute is NULL

The tuple data typically store in the order specified when create this relation

Each tuple have a unique identifier(i.e. page, slot id/offset)

CMU15-445 Buffer Pool Manager Notes/Buffer Pool Manager/
Nishiki Chisato
Posted on
November 5, 2023
Updated on
November 5, 2023
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